BFI-China Research Conference
The BFI-China Research Conference was held April 1-2, 2022 at the Rubenstein Forum on the University of Chicago campus.
Jointly organized by Becker Friedman Institute China and Tsinghua University-University of Chicago Joint Research Center for Economics and Finance, the conference assembled well established economic scholars to discuss recent work on issues related to the Chinese economy and financial markets. Topics included the following:
- Entrepreneurial finance
- Fintech
- Housing markets
- Law and economics
- Political economy
Continental Breakfast
8th Floor Lounge
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Zhiguo He (University of Chicago)
Quantitative Policy in the US-China Trade War
Presenter: Tuo Chen (Tsinghua University)
Chang-Tai Hsieh (University of Chicago)
Zheng Song (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
8th Floor Lounge
Data Description: Interbank Fund Flows in China
Data Description: Financing Privately-Owned Firms in China
Presenter: Wei Wei (University of Chicago)
8th Floor Lounge
Is American Soft Power a Casualty of the Trade War?
First Floor Dining Room
The Dynamic Effects of Computerizing VAT Invoices on Chinese Manufacturing Firms
8th Floor Lounge
Is There an Industrial Land Discount in China? A Public Finance Perspective
Presenter: Yang Su (University of Chicago)
Zhiguo He (University of Chicago)
Scott Nelson (University of Chicago)
Anthony Lee Zhang (University of Chicago)
Fudong Zhang (Tsinghua University)
8th Floor Lounge
Judicial Independence, Local Protectionism, and Economic Prosperity
Presenter: Shaoda Wang (University of Chicago)
Yi Lu (Tsinghua University)
Wenwei Peng (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Spending Responses to Stimulus: Evidence from Coupon Notches in China
Presenter: Lucy Msall (University of Chicago)
Jing Ding (Harbin Institute of Technology)
Lei Jiang (Tsinghua University)
Matthew J. Notowidigdo (University of Chicago)
Prefuction Area
Continental Breakfast
8th Floor Lounge
How Does Matching Uncertainty Affect Marital Surplus? Theory and Evidence from China
Presenter: Xinzheng Shi (Tsinghua University)
Li Han (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Ming-ang Zhang (Central University of Finance and Economics)
Heterogeneous Preference and College Admission in China: Estimation and Policy Implications
Presenter: Chenyuan Liu (Tsinghua University)
Chenglei Diao (Tsinghua University)
Xiaohan Zhong (Tsinghua University)
8th Floor Lounge
Transport Infrastructure and Productivity: The China Experience
Investing with the Government: A Field Experiment in China
Presenter: Bo Li (Tsinghua University)
Emanuele Colonnelli (University of Chicago)
Ernest Liu (Princeton University)
First Floor Dining Room