The Becker Friedman Institute for Economics and the Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics hosted a conference on Economic Theory celebrating our friend and colleague Phil Reny. This conference featured presentations by Phil’s colleagues, coauthors, and students.


Philip J. RenyThe Hugo F. Sonnenschein Distinguished Service Professor in Economics and the College




Economic Theory Conference Honoring Phil Reny


Friday, September 20, 2024
8:30 am–9:00 am

Registration and Breakfast

Saieh Hall Room 203

9:00 am–9:10 am

Opening Remarks

9:10 am–10:00 am

Rank-Dependent Disappointment Aversion

Faruk Gul, Princeton University (Presenter)

Marciano Siniscalchi, Northwestern University (Discussant)

10:05am–10:55 am

Communicating about Endogenous Issues

Elliot Lipnowski, Yale University (Presenter)

Jeffrey Ely, Northwestern University (Discussant)

10:55 am–11:15 am


11:15 am–12:05 pm

Score-based Mechanisms

Vasiliki Skreta, University of Texas, Austin (Presenter)

Bruno Strulovici, Northwestern University (Discussant)

12:10 pm–1:00 pm

Spreading Information via Social Networks: An Irrelevance Result

Vijay Krishna, Pennsylvania State University (Presenter)

Agathe Pernoud, University of Chicago (Discussant)

1:00 pm–2:00 pm


2:00 pm–2:50 pm

Strategic Foundations of Efficient Rational Expectations

Paulo Barelli, University of Rochester (Presenter)

Jeroen Swinkels, Northwestern University (Discussant)

3:00 pm–3:55 pm

An Informationally Robust Model of Perfect Competition

Benjamin Brooks, University of Chicago (Presenter)

Motty Perry University of Warwick (Discussant)

3:55 pm–4:10 pm


4:10 pm–5:00 pm

Dual Reduction and Elementary Games with Senders and Receivers

Roger Myerson, University of Chicago (Presenter)

Piotr Dworczak, Northwestern University (Discussant)

5:30 pm–8:30 pm

Reception and Dinner

The Study Hotel – Winter Garden
1227 E 60th St., Chicago, IL 60637

Saturday, September 21, 2024
8:30 am–9:00 am


Saieh Hall Room 203

9:00 am–9:50 am

Risk Perception: Measurement and Aggregation

Arthur Robson, Simon Fraser University (Presenter)

Luis Rayo, Northwestern University (Discussant)

9:55 am–10:45 am

Privacy Preserving Signals

Kai Hao Yang, Yale University (Presenter)

Harry Pei, Northwestern University (Discussant)

10:45 am–11:05 am


11:05 am–11:55 am

Two(!) Good To Be… Monotonic

Sergiu Hart, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Presenter)

Jason Hartline, Northwestern University (Discussant)

12:00 pm–1:00 pm


1:00 pm

Conference Concludes