In recent years, economists have begun to apply the tools of industrial organization (IO) to an ever-growing set of industries. This conference showcased how canonical IO concepts like supply, demand, imperfect competition, and strategic interactions can be applied to a broad set of general markets and economic questions, such as housing markets, school competition, environmental regulation, and health care.
This event is by invitation only. If you’re interested in attending or have any questions, please email
Milena Almagro, University of Chicago
Eric Richert, University of Chicago
Benjamin Scuderi, University of Michigan (Session Chair)
Michael Rubens, University of California, Los Angeles
Allan Collard-Wexler, Duke University
1st Floor Dining Room
Aviv Nevo, University of Pennsylvania
Jonathan Elliott, Johns Hopkins University (Session Chair)
Michele Fioretti, Bocconi University
Meredith Fowlie, University of California, Berkeley
By Invitation Only
Nicola Rosaia, Columbia University (Session Chair)
Marleen Marra, Sciences Po
El Hadi Caoui, University of Toronto
Pietro Bonaldi, Carnegie Mellon University (Session Chair)
Alessandro Gavazza, London School of Economics
Yunmi Kong, Rice University