Research Initiative

Big Data Initiative

Using a rapidly growing wealth of consumer and business data to improve decision-making

Stéphane Bonhomme and Azeem Shaikh


Government agencies and modern businesses, from banks and online retailers to social media platforms and search engines, are amassing an unprecedented wealth of data in terms of both size and level of detail. This rapidly growing wealth of “big data” provides new opportunities to improve the quality of economic analysis. This initiative explores the ability of big data to fulfill this promise, with the help of newly developed econometric tools.

BFI-MEBDI Machine Learning Competition 2024

Jointly organized by the Becker Friedman Institute Big Data Initiative and the Minnesota Economics Big Data Institute

OBJECTIVE: Design a Machine Learning algorithm that provides the best out-of-sample prediction (imputation) of individual earnings above a topcoding threshold using information from individuals’ (topcoded) earnings dynamics in years preceding the imputation.

ELIGIBILITY: To be eligible, as of September 2023, you must be in the 2nd year or later in the economics PhD programs at the University of Minnesota Department of Economics or University of Chicago (Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics, Booth School of Business, or Harris School of Public Policy) and be in good standing. Each student can enter the competition individually or form a team with one other eligible student from the same school (team of two). To enter the competition, teams must notify their decision to participate to organizers via email by October 31, 2023.

Further details and other competition rules are described in the document below.

ORGANIZERS: Stephane Bonhomme, Fatih Guvenen, Kirill Ponomarev, and David Wiczer

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: February 16, 2024 by 12pm CST

First Prize: $7,500
Second Prize: $2,500

Associated Scholars

UChicago Scholar

Stéphane Bonhomme

Ann L. and Lawrence B. Buttenwieser Professor in Economics and the College, the Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics; Co-Director of BFI Big Data Initiative
UChicago Scholar

Christian B. Hansen

Wallace W. Booth Professor of Econometrics and Statistcs, Booth School of Business
UChicago Scholar

Ali Hortaçsu

Ralph and Mary Otis Isham Professor of Economics, the Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics; Co-Director of BFI Industrial Organization Initiative
UChicago Scholar

Tetsuya Kaji

Associate Professor of Econometrics and Statistics and Richard Rosett Faculty Fellow, Booth School of Business
UChicago Scholar

Mladen Kolar

Associate Professor of Econometrics and Statistics, Booth School of Business
UChicago Scholar

Thibaut Lamadon

Assistant Professor in Economics and the College, the Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics
UChicago Scholar

Tengyuan Liang

Professor of Econometrics and Statistics , Booth School of Business
UChicago Scholar

Sanjog Misra

Charles H. Kellstadt Distinguished Service Professor of Marketing and Applied AI and Neubauer Family Faculty Fellow, Booth School of Business
UChicago Scholar

Sendhil Mullainathan

Roman Family University Professor of Computation and Behavioral Science, Chicago Booth
UChicago Scholar

Kirill Ponomarev

Assistant Professor, Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics

Associated Research

BFI Working Paper·Mar 31, 2023

Prediction When Factors are Weak

Stefano Giglio, Dacheng Xiu, and Dake Zhang
Topics: Uncategorized
BFI Working Paper·Feb 13, 2023

Covariate Adjustment in Experiments with Matched Pairs

Yuehao Bai, Liang Jiang, Joseph P. Romano, Azeem Shaikh, and Yichong Zhang
Topics: Uncategorized
BFI Working Paper·Nov 12, 2021

Finite- and Large-Sample Inference for Ranks using Multinomial Data with an Application to Ranking Political Parties

Sergei Bazylik, Magne Mogstad, Joseph P. Romano, Azeem Shaikh, and Daniel Wilhelm
Topics: Uncategorized

Associated News