Research Initiative

International Economics and Economic Geography Initiative

Studying the economic links between countries, regions, and urban neighborhoods

Faculty Directors: Brent Neiman and Esteban Rossi-Hansberg


Cross-border flows of goods and cross-border holdings of stocks and bonds have grown rapidly in recent decades. Nearly all major companies import some of their intermediate inputs from foreign suppliers and obtain some of their capital funding from foreign investors. In today’s interconnected world, events that start in one country can quickly impact economies all across the globe.

These links are not only increasingly relevant across countries, but also across the regions and neighborhoods within them. Trade policy, for example, has unequal effects across states and cities with different sectoral specialization. Top companies have expanded geographically to offer their products in a larger set of local markets, and we have seen increasing polarization of skills across cities as educated agents migrate to large urban areas. A selected group of urban hubs increasingly concentrates cognitive occupations and innovation.

The International Economics and Economic Geography Initiative brings together prominent UChicago faculty whose research informs these crucial topics and facilitates application of leading academic frameworks to real-world policy analysis.

Initiative Events

International Macro Finance ConferenceSeminar Series: Trade and Spatial Afternoons

Associated Scholars

UChicago Scholar

Rodrigo Adão

Associate Professor of Economics, Booth School of Business
UChicago Scholar

Milena Almagro

Assistant Professor of Economics, Liew Family Junior Faculty Fellow, George G. Rinder Faculty Fellow, Chicago Booth
UChicago Scholar

Adam Chilton

Assistant Professor of Law, Walter Mander Research Scholar, The Law School
UChicago Scholar

Jonathan Dingel

Associate Professor of Economics, Booth School of Business

Wenxin Du

Professor of Finance, Columbia Business School
UChicago Scholar

Richard Hornbeck

V. Duane Rath Professor of Economics, Chicago Booth
UChicago Scholar

Chang-Tai Hsieh

Phyllis and Irwin Winkelried Distinguished Service Professor, University of Chicago Booth School of Business; Deputy Director of BFI Development Economics Center
UChicago Scholar

Anders Humlum

Assistant Professor of Economics and Fujimori/Mou Faculty Scholar, Chicago Booth
UChicago Scholar

Erik Hurst

Roman Family Distinguished Service Professor of Economics and John E. Jeuck Faculty Fellow, Chicago Booth; Director, Becker Friedman Institute for Economics
UChicago Scholar

Rohan Kekre

Associate Professor of Economics, Booth School of Business
UChicago Scholar

Ralph Koijen

AQR Capital Management Distinguished Service Professor of Finance and Fama Faculty Fellow, Chicago Booth
UChicago Scholar

Brent Neiman

On Leave as Edward Eagle Brown Professor of Economics and William Ladany Faculty Scholar, Chicago Booth, and as Co-Director of BFI's International Economics and Economic Geography Initiative
UChicago Scholar

Carolin Pflueger

Associate Professor, Harris Public Policy
UChicago Scholar

Esteban Rossi-Hansberg

Glen A. Lloyd Distinguished Service Professor, Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics; Co-Director of BFI's International Economics and Economic Geography Initiative

Associated Research

BFI Working Paper·Aug 8, 2024

Global Hegemony and Exorbitant Privilege

Carolin Pflueger and Pierre Yared
BFI Working Paper·Jul 11, 2024

Identifying Agglomeration Shadows: Long-run Evidence from Ancient Ports

Richard Hornbeck, Guy Michaels, and Ferdinand Rauch
Topics: Uncategorized
BFI Working Paper·Mar 13, 2024

Banks in Space

Ezra Oberfield, Esteban Rossi-Hansberg, Nicholas Trachter, and Derek Wenning
Topics: Financial Markets

Associated Past Events

Dec 6
Academic Conferences·Dec 6, 2024, 12:00 AM·The Gleacher Center, Room 600

2024 BFI International Macro-Finance Conference

by Tarek Hassan, Loukas Karabarbounis, Rohan Kekre, and Matteo Maggiori
Nov 30
Event·Nov 30, 2023, 12:00 AM·Gleacher Center | Room 208 | 450 North Cityfront Plaza Drive Chicago, Illinois 60611

2023 BFI International Macro-Finance Conference

Dec 2
Event·Dec 2, 2022, 11:30 AM·University of Chicago | Rubenstein Forum | Room 504 1201 E 60th St, Chicago, IL 60637

International Macro Finance Conference

View All

Associated Insights

Research Briefs·Apr 3, 2024

Optimal Urban Transportation Policy: Evidence from Chicago

Milena Almagro, Felipe Barbieri, Juan Camilo Castillo, Nathaniel Hickok, and Tobias Salz
In Chicago, welfare would be increased by charging almost nothing for public transit, increasing the frequency of trains, and lowering the frequency of buses. Road pricing reduces environmental externalities, but only benefits travelers if the revenues are used for transit...
Topics: Industrial Organization
Research Briefs·Mar 25, 2024

Banks in Space

Ezra Oberfield, Esteban Rossi-Hansberg, Nicholas Trachter, and Derek Wenning
The banking deregulation of the 1980s and 90s provides unique evidence of the way in which banks set up their branches across locations. Two forms of sorting explain observed location patterns well. Sorting on size, whereby top banks locate in...
Topics: Financial Markets
Research Briefs·Jul 26, 2023

Exporting, Global Sourcing, and Multinational Activity: Theory and Evidence from the United States

Pol Antràs, Teresa C. Fort, Evgenii Fadeev, and Felix Tintelnot
Multinational firms (MNEs) are more likely to trade not only with countries in which they have affiliates, but also with other countries within their affiliates’ region. These patterns point to firm-level scale economies that arise when the fixed costs to...
Topics: Financial Markets