Interactive Research Briefs·May 14, 2024

Return to Office and the Tenure Distribution

Austin Wright, David Van Dijcke, and Florian Gunsilius
Return-to-office (RTO) mandates drive employees away from firms, with senior employees leaving at the highest rates, likely leading to significant...
Topics: COVID-19, Employment & Wages
Research Briefs·Mar 7, 2024

What Drives Inflation? Lessons from Disaggregated Price Data

Elisa Rubbo
US inflation in the early phases of the COVID pandemic was entirely driven by disruptions in supply and demand across...
Topics: COVID-19, Monetary Policy
Research Briefs·Feb 1, 2024

Quantifying the Social Value of a Universal COVID-19 Vaccine and Incentivizing Its Development

Rachel Glennerster, Thomas Kelly, Claire T. McMahon, and Christopher M. Snyder
A universal COVID-19 vaccine that is effective against existing and future variants could provide the United States population with $1.5–$2.6...
Topics: COVID-19
Research Briefs·Nov 15, 2023

Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts: Aggregate vs. Aggregated Inflation Expectations

Alexander Dietrich, Edward S. Knotek II, Kristian O. Myrseth, Robert W. Rich, Raphael Schoenle, and Michael Weber
A novel measure of consumer inflation expectations that is constructed by combining forecasts from across different categories of consumption is...
Topics: COVID-19
Research Briefs·Mar 6, 2023

Remote Work Across Jobs, Companies, and Space

Nick Bloom, Steven J. Davis, Stephen Hansen, Peter John Lambert, Raffaella Sadun, and Bledi Taska
From 2019 to early 2023, the share of job postings offering remote work for one or more days per week...
Topics: COVID-19, Employment & Wages
Research Briefs·Jan 2, 2023

Representation and Hesitancy in Population Health Research: Evidence from a COVID-19 Antibody Study

Deniz Dutz, Michael Greenstone, Ali Hortaçsu, Santiago Lacouture, Magne Mogstad, Azeem Shaikh, Alexander Torgovitsky, and Winnie van Dijk
This work sheds new light on the underrepresentation of minority and poor households in scientific studies; analysis of a recent...
Topics: COVID-19
Research Briefs·Oct 18, 2022

Calculating the Costs and Benefits of Advance Preparations for Future Pandemics

Rachel Glennerster, Christopher M. Snyder, and Brandon Joel Tan
Without additional action we should expect to lose an average of at least $800 billion every year to future pandemics....
Topics: COVID-19
Research Briefs·Oct 12, 2022

Long Social Distancing

Steven J. Davis, Jose Maria Barrero, and Nicholas Bloom
More than 10 percent of Americans with recent work experience will continue social distancing after the COVID-19 pandemic ends, and...
Topics: COVID-19, Employment & Wages
Research Briefs·Sep 13, 2022

Working from Home Around the World

Cevat Giray Aksoy, Jose Maria Barrero, Nicholas Bloom, Steven J. Davis, Mathias Dolls, and Pablo Zarate
Based on surveys in 27 countries, this work finds that the pandemic catalyzed a shift to work from home (WFH)...
Topics: COVID-19