The three-day event hosted at the Becker Friedman Institute explored research frontiers of macroeconomics, finance and linkages. It targeted new research including projects still being refined in search of constructive criticism. It featured young researchers, including some still working on their dissertations and nurtured interactions in this important area of research. Papers were presented and discussed, and new projects, not fully developed into polished papers, critiqued. Nine new entrants into the field were given the opportunity to present research in progress as posters designed to enable productive discourse. During the final day of the conference, six dissertation candidates gave progress reports on a variety of fascinating topics, including counterparty exposures by U.S. banks and their tail risk, sustainable pension commitments and their implications for government debt, survey expectations of future cash flows, wealth inequality, and the quantitative impact of changes in the financial market structures.
— Lars Peter Hansen
The CITE conference is a counterpart to a program within the Stanford Institute on Theoretical Economics. The conference was designed to air and enhance important new work at the intersection of finance and macroeconomics. Read more about CITE 2017 here.