BFI Working Paper·Jul 14, 2023

Who Values Human Capitalists’ Human Capital? The Earnings and Labor Supply of U.S. Physicians

Joshua Gottlieb, Maria Polyakova, Kevin Rinz, Hugh Shiplett, and Victoria Udalova
Topics: Health care
BFI Working Paper·Mar 17, 2023

Market Size and Trade in Medical Services

Jonathan Dingel, Joshua Gottlieb, Maya Lozinski, and Pauline Mourot
Topics: Health care
BFI Working Paper·Jan 18, 2023

Rationing Medicine Through Bureaucracy: Authorization Restrictions in Medicare

Zarek Brot-Goldberg, Samantha Burn, Timothy Layton, and Boris Vabson
Topics: Health care
BFI Working Paper·Jan 11, 2021

The Behavioral Foundations of Default Effects: Theory and Evidence from Medicare Part D

Zarek Brot-Goldberg, Timothy Layton, Boris Vabson, and Adelina Yanyue Wang
Topics: Health care
BFI Working Paper·Nov 19, 2020

When Nurses Travel: Labor Supply Elasticity During COVID-19 Surges

Joshua Gottlieb and Avi Zenilman, R.N.
Topics: Health care
BFI Working Paper·Nov 9, 2020

How Would Medicare for All Affect Health System Capacity? Evidence from Medicare for Some

Jeffrey Clemens, Joshua Gottlieb, and Jeffrey Hicks
Topics: Health care
BFI Working Paper·Nov 3, 2020

Pooled Testing for Quarantine Decisions

Elliot Lipnowski and Doron Ravid
Topics: COVID-19
BFI Working Paper·Jul 21, 2020

The Cost of Privacy: Welfare Effects of the Disclosure of COVID-19 Cases

David Argente, Chang-Tai Hsieh, and Munseob Lee
Topics: COVID-19