The Becker Friedman Institute for Economics (BFI) serves as a hub for cutting-edge analysis and research across the entire University of Chicago economics community, uniting researchers from the Booth School of Business, the Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics, the...
Inspired by our namesakes, Nobel Laureates Gary Becker and Milton Friedman, who believed that economics research could help improve the world, BFI works with the Chicago Economics community to turn its evidence-based research into real-world impact.
The Predoctoral Research in Economics Program (PREP) is intended to serve as a bridge between college and graduate school for students interested in empirical economics. The program offers unique research and professional training opportunities at the University of Chicago.
Expanding Diversity in Economics+ (EDE+) brings together a diverse group of early undergraduate students to hone their research abilities and technical skills.
Because neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) afflict the world’s poorest people and can cause decades-long health problems, combating them could reduce inequality, the intergenerational transmission of poverty, and burdens on healthcare systems in developing economies. We show that these novel benefits...
We study the extension of Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits to groups of workers typically excluded from the UI system—new entrants, the self-employed, and gig workers—implemented as part of the United States policy response to the 2020 COVID-19 crisis. Although enacted...
We examine the role of reporting quality in firms’ responses to a supply chain shock. Extant research examines the role of financial or managerial reporting quality in recurring operating or investing decisions, but evidence is lacking on how reporting quality...
The Becker Friedman Institute for Economics serves as a hub for cutting-edge analysis and research across the entire University of Chicago economics community, uniting researchers from the Booth School of Business, the Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics, the Harris School of Public Policy, and the Law School in an unparalleled effort to uncover new ways of thinking about economics. We put those ideas into action by translating rigorous research into accessible and relevant formats, and proactively disseminating it to key decision-makers around the world.
Our Legacy
For decades, UChicago economists have questioned conventional wisdom and produced bold, even revolutionary ideas. The Becker Friedman Institute for Economics builds on this tradition, supporting innovative research to inspire a future of powerful new ideas.
Visitors & Fellows
Counting over 20 Nobel laureates among its faculty of economics, UChicago is the global hub for frontier research. BFI supports collaboration in the field by hosting non-faculty scholars through our Saieh Family Fellows, Distinguished Research Fellows, and Visiting Scholars programs.
Predoctoral Research in Economics Program (PREP)
PREP is intended to serve as a bridge between college and graduate school for students interested in empirical economics. The program offers unique research and professional training opportunities at the University of Chicago.
Opportunities for Students
BFI offers a variety of opportunities for students, including the internship and research assistantship programs.
Our Team
BFI is guided by leading scholars from throughout the UChicago community and an advisory board of business leaders with a range of backgrounds.
Roman Family Distinguished Service Professor of Economics and John E. Jeuck Faculty Fellow, Chicago Booth; Director, Becker Friedman Institute for Economics