About the Becker Friedman Institute

The Becker Friedman Institute for Economics serves as a hub for cutting-edge analysis and research across the entire University of Chicago economics community, uniting researchers from the Booth School of Business, the Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics, the Harris School of Public Policy, and the Law School in an unparalleled effort to uncover new ways of thinking about economics. We put those ideas into action by translating rigorous research into accessible and relevant formats, and proactively disseminating it to key decision-makers around the world.

Our Legacy

Visitors & Fellows

Predoctoral Research in Economics Program (PREP)

Opportunities for Students

Our Team

UChicago Scholar

Erik Hurst

Roman Family Distinguished Service Professor of Economics and John E. Jeuck Faculty Fellow, Chicago Booth; Director, Becker Friedman Institute for Economics

Benjamin Krause

Executive Director, Becker Friedman Institute for Economics

Stacy Brown

Director of Finance and Operation, Becker Friedman Institute for Economics

David Fettig

Senior Director of Policy, Communications, and Outreach, Becker Friedman Institute for Economics

BFI Supports
