In many contexts, the individual value from consuming a product or service increases as more people consume it. The more of your peers who join TikTok, for example, the more value you probably see in joining yourself. Building on this logic, it’s possible that products like social media not only offer greater utility to users as their market share grows, but greater disutility to non-users as well. Just imagine being the sole holdout during the TikTok craze. With each friend who joins, you likely feel increasingly left out. In this paper, the authors test for these spillovers and paint a more accurate picture of how social media impacts consumers.
To study this question, the authors design a largescale, online experiment aimed at measuring consumer welfare in the presence of both network effects—the phenomenon wherein the value of joining vs. not joining increases with the number of consumers—and consumption spillovers to non-users—for example, fear of missing out on the latest TikTok trend. Their survey-based experiment focuses on TikTok and Instagram and is administered to 1,000 college students.
The authors begin by measuring the amount of money that users would accept to deactivate their accounts for four weeks, while keeping constant others’ social media use. They next measure how much users value their accounts when other students at their university are asked to deactivate their accounts as well. Finally, the authors measure users’ preferences over the deactivation of accounts of all participating students, including themselves. They find the following:
Building on these results, the authors explore whether product market traps exist in other domains as well. They field online surveys with consumers concerning their opinions on luxury goods and technology, where similar spillover effects are a plausible driver of consumption. They find the following:
This research challenges the standard argument that the mere existence of a product implies positive welfare for its users. This could help reconcile the seemingly contradictory findings in the social media literature of a large consumer surplus coexisting with negative effects on wellbeing. It also suggests a heightened need for regulators to assess whether different products create traps for consumers and whether they generate positive welfare. For instance, large tech companies commonly use tools that might decrease non-consumer surplus, such as increasing the salience of being a non-consumer or tying together messaging apps and social media platforms and thus increasing the cost of not being a user.