Explore BFI's Library of Research Briefs

Short, accessible insights from UChicago’s leading scholars.

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BFI Summer Programming

2024 Price Theory Summer Camp

In its fourteenth year, the Price Theory Summer Camp introduces PhD students from outside UChicago to price theory, which emphasizes the application of basic economic tools to problems.

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BFI Summer Programming

2024 Expanding Diversity in Economics Summer Institute

In its fourth year, undergraduates worldwide will learn from UChicago faculty, distinguished guests, and Brookings Institution policy leaders.

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Latest Insights

Religious Worship Attendance in America: Evidence from Cellphone Data

Seventy-three percent of Americans enter a place of worship at least once a year and 5% attend weekly, with large variation in attendance across religious groups. Frequent attenders are less likely to go to strip clubs, liquor stores, and casinos.
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Location Sorting and Endogenous Amenities: Evidence from Amsterdam

Different demographic groups tend to prefer different types of amenities, and businesses respond by expanding amenities in neighborhoods with greater demand. This pattern reinforces residential sorting, with ambiguous effects on inequality.
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Access to Credit Reduces the Value of Insurance

Insurance is less valuable when people can also smooth their spending using loans. Access to a five-year loan decreases the average value of insurance by $232–$366, or 58–61%.
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Early Predictors of Racial Disparities in Criminal Justice Involvement

Detailed measures of early academic achievement and socioeconomic status are powerful predictors of future criminal justice involvement; however, while reforms that improve school quality and neighborhood environments are likely to reduce future racial disparities in criminal justice involvement, such improvements...
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Latest Frontier Research

Is Workplace Temperature a Valuable Job Amenity? Implications for Climate Change

Using data representing one-third of the world’s population, we find that extreme hot and cold days cause substantial labor supply declines for weather-exposed workers, but not for weather-protected workers. With these results and a simple theoretical framework, we calculate that...
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Uncertainty, Social Valuation, and Climate Change Policy

Uncertainty, as it pertains to climate change and other policy challenges, oper-ates through multiple channels. Such challenges are commonly framed using social valuations such as the social cost of climate change and the social value of research and development. These...
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Bridging Theory and Empirical Research in Accounting

Formal theory and empirical research are complementary in building and advancing the body of knowledge in accounting in order to understand real-world phenomena. We offer thoughts on opportunities for empiricists and theorists to collaborate, build on each other’s work, and...
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Latest Events

Jul 2
Academic Conferences Event·Jul 2, 2024, 10:30 AM

2024 Memory and Attention Conference

Academic Conferences Event·Jun 23, 2024, 12:00 AM

2024 Price Theory Summer Camp

Academic Conferences Event·Jun 14, 2024, 12:00 AM

Summer 2024 IOG-BFI Conference

Upcoming Events

Jul 2
Academic Conferences Event·Jul 2, 2024, 10:30 AM

2024 Memory and Attention Conference

Aug 5
Academic Conferences Event·Aug 5, 2024, 12:00 AM

2024 MFR Program Summer Session for Young Scholars

Sep 19
Academic Conferences Event·Sep 19, 2024, 12:00 AM

AI in Social Science Conference 2024

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About BFI

About the Becker Friedman Institute

BFI unites researchers from the entire Chicago Economics community, including the the Booth School of Business, the Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics, the Harris School of Public Policy, and the Law School.
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Our Legacy

Inspired by our namesakes, Nobel Laureates Gary Becker and Milton Friedman, who believed that economics research could help improve the world, BFI works with the Chicago Economics community to turn its evidence-based research into real-world impact.
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Our Team

University of Chicago faculty members and other accomplished economists set the goals and direction of the Institute.
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