2024 Women in Empirical Microeconomics Conference
Thank you for attending the annual Women in Empirical Microeconomics Conference, held on September 26-27, 2024. The conference consisted of a series of presentations on papers at the frontier across microeconomics fields.
This conference offered a platform for innovative empirical research in microeconomics (including labor, public, development, and industrial organization) and to foster opportunities for future collaboration and mentorship.
Registration and Breakfast
University Pre-function
Casting Roles, Casting Votes: Lessons from Sesame Street on Media Representation and Voting
Claire Duquennois, University of Pittsburgh (Speaker)
Alexander Fouirnaies, University of Chicago (Discussant)
The Class Gap in Career Progression: Evidence from Academia
Anna Stansbury, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Speaker)
Fabian Lange, McGill University (Discussant)
Statistical Discrimination in Sequential Systems: Prosecutors’ Response to Police
Emma Harrington, University of Virginia (Co-Speaker)
Hannah Shaffer, Harvard University (Co-Speaker)
Sara Heller, University of Michigan (Discussant)
Affirmative Action, College Access and Major Choice
Ana Paula Melo, Howard University (Speaker)
Kevin Stange, University of Michigan (Discussant)
The Effects of Gender Integration on Men: Evidence from the U.S. Military
Anna Weber, West Point (Speaker)
Betsey Stevenson, University of Michigan (Discussant)
University A
Mind the Data Gaps: An Examination of Women-Owned Enterprise Representation
Nusrat Jimi, Vassar College (Speaker)
Abi Adams Prassl, University of Oxford (Discussant)
Minimum Wage and Gender Gaps: Evidence from Morocco
Louise Paul-Delvaux, Harvard University (Speaker)
Ioana Marinescu, University of Pennsylvania (Discussant)
Commitment, Competition, and Preventive Care Provision
Anran Li, Cornell University (Speaker)
Ashley Swanson, University of Wisconsin, Madison (Discussant)
The Productivity of Professions: Evidence from the Emergency Department
Yiqun Chen, University of Illinois, Chicago (Speaker)
Amanda Kowalski, University of Michigan (Discussant)
Gender Diversity Improves Academic Performance
Xiaoyue Shan, National University of Singapore (Speaker)
Shuttle boards and departs from Rubenstein Forum to Conference Dinner and Reception
Conference Reception
By invitation only
Conference Dinner
By invitation only
Registration and Breakfast
University Pre-function
The Economic Costs of Rape
Emily Nix, University of Southern California (Speaker)
Sonia Bhalotra, University of Warwick (Discussant)
Dynamic Pricing Regulation and Welfare in Insurance Markets
Ami Ko, Georgetown University (Speaker)
Amanda Starc, Northwestern University (Discussant)
The Role of Labor Unions in Immigrant Integration
Julia Li Zhu, San Diego State University (Speaker)
Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes, University of California, Merced (Discussant)
Breaking Down Bullying: Empathy, Social Networks, and Adolescents
Qinyou Hu, Aalto University (Speaker)
Benjamin Feigenberg, University of Illinois, Chicago (Discussant)
Optimal Incentives in the Presence of Social Image Concerns
Anne Karing, University of Chicago (Speaker)
Michèle Belot, Cornell University (Discussant)
University A
Airlines, Pollution, and Fertility
Xinming Du, National University of Singapore (Speaker)
Marika Cabral, University of Texas, Austin (Discussant)
Tax Avoidance Through Business Assets: Evidence from the Spanish Inheritance Tax
Isabel Micó-Millán, Bank of Spain (Speaker)
Katarzyna Bilicka, Utah State University (Discussant)