Jón Steinsson‘s research has focused on price rigidity and its implications for monetary non-neutrality and related issues, using large micro datasets to characterize price adjustment by firms. His most recent work in this area focuses on downward bias in exchange rate pass-through associated with product turnover. He is also working on evaluating the empirical characteristics of consumption disasters and the assessing the effect that disaster risk may have on asset prices.
Steinsson is a faculty research fellow with the National Bureau of Economic Research and a research affiliate with the Center of Economic Policy Research. He previously was a junior research scholar with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and served as an economist with the Central Bank of Iceland.
He earned his master’s and doctorate degrees at Harvard University.
Faculty Page: Jón Steinsson
Personal Page: Jón Steinsson
Social Media: @JonSteinsson
Visited 3/1/11 – 6/1/11