The Becker Friedman Institute for Economics (BFI) is pleased to announce the award of nine new grants supporting research by University of Chicago faculty and students on industrial organization.
These grants will help promote ground-breaking research through the BFI Industrial Organization Initiative, led by Ali Hortaçsu, Ralph and Mary Otis Isham Professor of Economics in the Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics, and Chad Syverson, George C. Tiao Distinguished Service Professor in the Booth School of Business. The Initiative supports research in the large, responsive, and policy-relevant field of industrial organization – which has considerable influence on antitrust and regulation policy, data-intensive managerial practices, and other fields of economics, including development, macro, and corporate finance.
Grants are intended to support a number of research activities, including the purchase of new data sets and software, research assistants, and travel. When published, the insights gleaned from this research and data will have real-world impacts across a variety of topics and fields of study.
BFI is proud to announce the recipients of the research grants, listed below, along with the research the grant will be supporting.
2022 Awards
Milena Almagro, Assistant Professor of Economics, Booth School of Business
Research: Discrimination in Housing Markets
Pradeep Chintagunta, Joseph T. and Bernice S. Lewis Distinguished Service Professor of Marketing, Booth School of Business
Research: Testing Theories of How Consumers Acquire and Process Information
Michael Dinerstein, Assistant Professor, Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics
Research: Relying on Unregulated Firms to Achieve Public Health Goals: Evidence from Pharmacies in Kenya
Greg Kaplan, Professor in Economics and the College, the Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics
Research: Firm Wedges and the Identification of Cobb-Douglas Production Functions: Evidence From Trade-Liberalization
Xianglong Kong (Student Award)
Research: Firm Learning and Innovations through Production Networks
Luis Martínez, Assistant Professor, Harris Public Policy
Research: When Export Markets Vanish: Firm-level Responses to Trade Wars
Guillaume Pouliot, Assistant Professor, Harris Public Policy
Research: ABC with Epsilon = 0 for Inference with Generative Models
Camilla Schneier (Student Award)
Fern Ramoutar (Student Award)
Yixin Sun (Student Award)
Research: Concentration and Monopsony in Meat Processing
George Vojta (Student Award)
Research: Attorney Supply