Research Initiative

Macroeconomic Research Initiative

Supporting research in the area of macroeconomics within the Chicago economics community

Veronica Guerrieri and Greg Kaplan


The primary goal of BFI’s Macroeconomics Research Initiative is to support research in the area of macroeconomics within the Chicago economics community, with an emphasis on junior faculty. Macroeconomics is a broad field including, but not limited to, monetary and fiscal policy, income distribution, labor markets and employment, inequality, and long-run growth. We particularly support and encourage research that studies the implications of microeconomic heterogeneity for the macroeconomy, from the point of view of both firms and households, and research that incorporates insights from other subfields and disciplines to better improve our understanding of the aggregate economy.

Associated Research

Research·BFI Working Paper·Jul 10, 2023

Price Level and Inflation Dynamics in Heterogeneous Agent Economies

Greg Kaplan, Georgios Nikolakoudis and Giovanni L. Violante
Topics: Financial Markets, Monetary Policy
Research·BFI Working Paper·Sep 19, 2022

Perceptions about Monetary Policy

Michael D. Bauer, Carolin Pflueger and Adi Sunderam
Topics: Monetary Policy
Research·BFI Working Paper·Apr 25, 2022

The Marginal Propensity to Consume in Heterogeneous Agent Models

Greg Kaplan and Giovanni L. Violante
Topics: Economic Mobility & Poverty

Associated News

Media Mention·Jun 28, 2021

Black Workers Stopped Making Progress on Pay. Is It Racism?

New York Times; Erik Hurst
Topics: Employment & Wages
Media Mention·Feb 20, 2020

Trump Administration Sees No Threat to Economy From Monopolies

New York Times; Greg Kaplan
Topics: Employment & Wages, Industrial Organization
Media Mention·Feb 11, 2020

College Major Related to Gender Wage Gap

Inside Higher Ed; Dan Black, Erik Hurst
Topics: Employment & Wages